Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Is That All There Is?

I remember the football game I wanted so badly. At a time when computers were unknown in homes, it was "computerized." My favorite football player appeared on the box, assuring me that it was so realistic that pros could train with it. I knew the game would be wonderful.
I dreamed about that football game, of the fun I would have playing it. I imagined myself passing wonderful hours with this realistic simulation. Finally, after months of longing and pleading, I got the game I wanted. Excitedly I took it out of the box and discovered that I'd been misled. There was nothing computerized about this game, except in the loosest sense of the word. There were two moving sticks with a light attached to them; the light would illuminate different numbers according to how the sticks were moved. That was the extent of the "computerization" of this "realistic" game. I was left looking at the game thinking, "Is that all there is to it?"
I'd like to say that was the only time in my life that I experienced that feeling, but it wouldn't be true. In fact, I've lived through the same thing time and again. I see something and come to want it, dreaming about it, anticipating the satisfaction I'll feel when I finally get it. Then I obtain the object of my desire and find myself thinking, "Is that all there is to it?"
If we're not careful, we go through our whole lives thinking "Is that all there is? Isn't there anything more?" We hear the promises, the sales pitches, the call of endless temptations: buy this and you'll be happy; start a relationship with this person and all your dreams will come true; get that dream job and live happily ever after. Then we get home and discover that we've just bought two sticks connected to a light. "Is that all there is?"
Over and over, the question arises: "Is that all there is?"In the book of Genesis, a man named Jacob describes his life as follows: "The days of the years of my sojourning are 130 years. Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life" (Genesis 47:9). 130 years, and Jacob calls them "few and evil." I can almost hear him say, "Is that all there is to it?"
Only God can meet our deepest needs, only He can satisfy that longing we have. When we receive His gifts, we'll never say, "Is that all there is?" When He gives us the gift of salvation, when He pours out His grace in our lives, we'll never be left looking for more. God keeps His promises. His gifts have no equal. No one can satisfy our longings like the living God.
I'd like to share with you more about what God has to offer to us. Just write me at Or visit our blog at I promise that when you understand what God has to give, you won't be looking for more.

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